When you’re out and about among the community and the elements, things are bound to happen. Talk to any postal carrier and you’re sure to have an interesting conversation. A few things I’ve experienced in my three years as a mailman are dog bites, bug stings, 80 mph winds, 115 degree heat, crazy people yelling at the sidewalk, come-on’s, and countless paper cuts. I’ve also seen a hot pink thong in a mailbox…with the flag up. What could that possibly mean?

A few more extreme cases that happened to my coworkers include finding rabbits, snakes, and cats in mailboxes, running into a loose PACK of aggressive dogs, being attacked with a screw driver, and having naked women answer the door (young and old).
So if you’re looking for someone to chew the fat with, leave your underwear in the mailbox and wait for a knock.
I’ll be sure to post new stories as they happen.
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