I was at a four-way stop sign yesterday, on my way home from work, when the vehicle to my left was slammed from behind. No squealing of tires and no horn, just, "BLAP!". The injured vehicle was one of my own, a postal truck. I didn't know the guy though because I was in a different city. His bumper was turned down at a 90 degree angle and the drivers of both cars seemed okay. The offending driver will absolutely be paying for all damages as it was without a doubt her fault. She didn't even try to stop! Thank goodness that postman was there though because I would have driven out into the intersection and then it would have been a t-bone on my side of the car.
So thanks fellow postman! That could have been a lot worse.
You should have stopped and been a witness for that guy. Even though you know it was totally her fault she may still try and fight it.