It seems that I meet my adrenaline rush quota every year with no problem. No matter how many times dogs try to put "Basted Leg of Ian" on the menu I still get the jitters after fending them off. Today was no different.
At the end of the day my job was to go and help the new guy. He was struggling with his route since he's only been a carrier for about two weeks. He asked if I could take certain streets, which I did. Lucky for him, he missed out on his first dog attack.
I was minding my own business, walking along, when I saw a brown blur rush me from behind. I dropped my mail bag to calf-height and the pit bull (big surprise) latched on. This would be the umpteenth time my bag has kept me whole.
The owner got the dog, scolded him and put him away. The man and I talked about the indecent, of which he apologized for, and I went on my merry way. Shortly after I could hear him scolding the dog again, but louder and with more cussing, possibly beating it. It was clear why the dog has aggression issues. That, and the fact that it was maced the first time it tried to approach a mailman some time ago.
Fun Fact!
California is the #1 place to be bit by a dog if you're a mail carrier.

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