Saturday, September 25, 2010

Three Foot Customers

Children are always fun to deliver mail to. While some adults fear the mailman and his stack of bills, children revere him like an honored god. They announce his arrival,
And they always send him off with a hearty farewell, "GOODBYE, MR. MAILMAN! BYE!"

There was even an instance where two young girls sang my praises! It went something like this, "Mailman, mailman do your duty. Here comes a lady with an African booty. She can do the pom-poms, she can do the splits, but most of all she can kiss, kiss, kiss!"
The Internet says that's some sort of jump-rope chant. It was funny and disturbing all at once.

Children are always curious to know what the red capped can is I carry with me.
I told one kid, "That's my mace."
She said, "Oh, what's it for?"
"I use it to spray dogs that attack me." I replied.
"Do you have dogs?" she asked.
"Yes." I answered.
"Do you spray your own dogs?" she said in quiet shock.
"No," I laughed, "only the bad dogs that try to bite me."
"Oh. Bye! You're really good at mail." And she walked away.

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